Michigan Augmentative and Alternative Communication (MAAC) Meeting
Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
A brief review of MAAC and its transition from MiSAAC was provided.
Goals of MAAC were reviewed as follows:
1. Develop and implement help and supports for those who use AAC, their families, caregivers, etc
2. Improve informational, community and social supports for all augmentative and alternative communication users, families and caregivers, across the lifespan.
3. Create and maintain social networks for augmentative and alternative communication users of all ages, as well as for family members and caregivers.
4. Develop resources and an information network for those who use AAC, families, caregivers, professionals across disciplines and service environments and for university students in training programs.
5. Strengthen an augmentative and alternative communication presence throughout all of Michigan.
Ideas were generated and recorded for the 3 areas felt to be important at this time:
1. Brainstorming Ideas for Social Events for AAC Users and Families
Greenfield Village
Drive in movie night (summer time, early evening, outside lot area…Does anyone have experience with neighborhood events or parties where something similar was done? We need information related to equipment.
Detroit Science Center
Sensory Friendly Movies
Drama Club (Chenille Sisters) Tina P to investigate this further
More Capoeira
Musical events with musicians representing different types of music/instruments
Invite Chris Klein, AAC user and lecturer to present to parents, teen and adult AAC users, possibly in October for AAC Awareness Month. Chris uses direct selection with a Pathfinder. Investigate the possibility of an additional speaker, possibly someone using a different access method such as Sara Pyszka (Website…www.sara-sings.com) who uses scanning with a DynaVox V. Investigate any possibilities for presenting as well.
2. Social Supports
Develop a Teen Talk or chat group for teens who use AAC. This would be a peer based group with one or two facilitators, to encourage any and all communication and interaction. Gina Cunnngham and Pat Nizio to coordinate. The first Teen Talk was set up for Wednesday, June 30 at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Novi Center, and exact time to be determined. Anyone who wants to assist with planning and executing this, contact Gina at ginainholland@aol.com or Pat at pnizio@dmc.org.
3. Information Supports
Many ideas were generated related to this topic.
Inclusion of AAC devices into the curriculum and making the curriculum accessible to AAC users
Supporting parents of AAC users with IEPs ….how to create an accurate, adequately detailed plan that can be implemented. Investigate whether people could present who have experience with developing and editing AAC goals/AT goals.
Everyone’s favorite resources, websites, apps, etc. whether they are free, involve a minimal fee or are subscription based. It was suggested that a variety or people could present their top 5-10 resources. These could be specifically related to AAC or to other pertinent areas, such as adapted learning, literacy, etc. Please contact Pat at pnizio@dmc.org if you would like to present the great resources you have. Date and location to be determined.
Understanding Bookshare, books on line, and how to access them.
Making the internet and e-mail accessible for scanners or non- readers.
Sibling support group, similar to Sib Shops, but with an emphasis on positive factors, or even just social events for the siblings, possibly during the time chat groups are scheduled, or when parent information events are held.
Organizing social events, for adults who use AAC, such as a book club, movie club, video game club, etc.
Extra Information to Explore:
Wild Swan Theater in Ann Arbor: always presents with a sign language interpreter
PEP Camp: Livonia….. Cindy Scaglione: Events Extraordinaire
Summary: What’s Next?
We selected the following activities to plan and implement
· Social Supports: Teen Chat Group
· Informational Support: for parents and those involved with AAC: What are your top 5-10 favorite AAC or related resources
· Informational Support: a panel presentation for parents to discuss ideas for successful ways to integrate the student who uses AAC into classroom activities and content information. “Providing Scaffolding Strategies for Parents for classroom Success for AAC Users”. Date and location to be determined. There will be a planning meeting for anyone interested in helping to present or prepare for this. It is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Novi Center 42005 W 12 Mile Road, Novi, 48377
Late morning, Saturday meeting times seemed to be popular date/time suggestion for future meetings.
Please RSVP to pnizio@dmc.org if interested in attending a planning meeting for the Scaffolding Strategies….. panel presentation. It is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Novi Center 42005 W 12 Mile Road, Novi, 48377
Please e-mail Gina Cunningham at or Pat Nizio at if interested in helping prepare or take part in our first AAC teen chat group; this will be held on Wednesday, June 30 at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Novi Center. Time to be determined.
Would you like to present your resources, websites, apps, software that you find valuable? Please contact Wendy Gach Owen (wowen@dmc.org)
Remember, you can also send e-mails to MAAC’s e-mail at michiganaac@gmail.com
Post or find information on http://www.michigan-aac.blogspot.com/ or on our FaceBook Group Page: MAAC- Michigan AAC